Roasted Chilli Powder (stemless)

Roasted Chilli Powder (stemless)

බැදපු මිරිස් කුඩු (නැටි රහිත) - காம்பு நீக்கிய வறுத்த மிளகாய்த்தூள்

Chilli helps relief from symptoms of colds, sore throats and fevers, circulation, especially for cold hands and feet, and as a hangover remedy in return effects on the good digestive system.

Our Roasted Chilli Powder is quite aromatic and helps bringing in the improved flavors in your dishes. We do not add artificial flavor accompaniments such as MSG, the Ingredients are methodically cleaned to remove stems prior to milling and the milling is carried out under strict hygienic conditions. The packaging does the rest to preserve their freshness, flavor, and to enhance the shelf life.

Available Sizes
50g 100g 250g

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