• 100% Natural

    Harvested from the mother nature of this wonderful tropical island.

  • Best Quality

    We pick first class produce and preserve the consistency of best quality

  • Trusted Brand

    A manufacturer and distributor of premium quality authentic spices.

About Company

Serendib Royal Venture (Pvt) Ltd

Ceylon Star
We are a prominent spice producer & a supplier in Sri Lanka. Through a comprehensive distributor grid our products are circulated to each region in Sri Lanka. The products of ours are accessible in a varied group of Retail and Wholesale outlets including leading Superstores. Perfectly reaped crops from the finest farms in the country and then mass-produced and processed in the state of art factories, our products are dispersed not only to each area in Sri Lanka but also exported overseas.

Quality Process

We oblige each momentum to safeguard excellence

  • We conduct systematic examining and sampling of fresh materials we source locally
  • We do evaluate process of growing and making the products we acquire to ensure overall quality
  • Strict quality controlling measures from sourcing raw materials from farmers up to delivery of our customers
  • Modern and state of the art equipment in manufacturing process following industry accepted practices
  • We only use food grade packing materials to package the products we manufacture whilst under close supervision.


Spices from the “Pearl of the Indian ocean”

Variety of Tastes


Our Clients shoulder a vital part in our business